Holy Makeover, that is all I have to say. I mean, you may have noticed, or remember me mentioning pretty much all the time how I always, ALWAYS wear sunglasses. multiple factors play into this. where do I start? I'm 30 with 3 children, I haven't had a good night sleep in 5 years, and God blessed me with naturally squinty eyes, so the above factors only highlight my tiny tired eyes and makeup is pretty far from my priorities list on the average day. I'm the girl you see at the stoplight, curling her lashes and smacking on some lipstick. it's a bad habit, I know, but my arms are generally full of children, which is quite evident in these pics. lucky for me, the ladies at Cos Bar were there to not only make me look and feel like a whole new woman, they also took turns spoiling Mav and kept him entertained long enough for Heavenly to work her magic. lets take it from the top. GNO is pretty much my fave because the hubs keeps the older two and its just me and my littlest squeeze out on the town, living it up. He is at the best age right now, where everything is new and exciting and he just grins and laughs all day. its seriously the sweetest thing. I keep saying no more kids, but I know he'll soon be out of this adorable baby phase and I am sure gonna miss it, so I might just have to try for one more go round. I mean, why not? I should probably at least TRY for a girl to balance out the testosterone levels in my house. but for now, I am soaking in and squeezing up every last second of this scrumptious chunky happy phase. so with Mav in toe, we headed to GNO/BNO (bloggers night out) at Charleston's hottest beauty spot Cos Bar. since I'm pretty much makeup illiterate, I honestly had never been in store, but my girl Megan, resident cos bar makeup guru, is always touching me up at events around town so I knew I was in for some serious pampering. Heavenly (yes, this is her name, how awesome is that!!) stripped me down and started with the basics. primer, concealer, highlighter, bronzer, I mean, she used products i'd never even heard of, and somehow I still looked fresh faced and flawless!! my wrinkles were gone, my eyes looked awake and blue! yes, I have blue eyes, but you can hardly tell, because like I mentioned, they're either covered by sunnies or squinty, swollen, and puffy. my favorite, and probably the only thing I truly know how to do, was this lipstick!! the color is a purply pink perfection and I just loved the way it popped off my lips. I listed all the products and colors used below. I have to say, I seriously had the greatest time and learned a few tricks and went home with a serious swag bag full of goodies that I couldn't wait to try. my fave? Omorovicza!! have you heard of it? don't worry, I hadn't either, but with natural ingredients and anti-aging benefits, i had to give it a whirl. these are the only 2 components i really look for in skincare. well, that, and countertop appeal. I'm a sucker for pretty packaging. and the brand definitely meets my criteria. and, bonus! my skin is totally feeling much more rejuvenated and a little less wrinkled. once my skin calms down from the post-pregnancy/nursing hormones, I'm going to have to sit down with their esthetician and get a healthy skincare routine going. mommas, you know what i'm talking about! no one tells you about adult acne and hair loss when they discuss the joys of motherhood! until then, i know i will be skipping the rearview mirror from now on and popping in before all my events for a full face application.
"makeup is a way for woman to look and feel like herself, only prettier and more confident"
mua Heavenly of CosBar Charleston representing Dior
Airflash Foundation
Universal Brow Pencil in 01
5 color eye palette in Jardin
lipstick in rouge 786
3 little beads arrowhead necklace
special thanks to Cos Bar for having me and opening my eyes (literally) to the world of makeup
special thanks to Cos Bar for having me and opening my eyes (literally) to the world of makeup
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